The counsellors at the OPC honour the spirituality of every person, whether they are Christian, religious, spiritual, agnostic or atheist.

Bishop Shane announces the following:

  • Bishop Shane happily announces the appointment of Taylor Seguin as Executive Director of Centre 105, Cornwall, effective January 1, 2022. Taylor served for several years as Program Coordinator, and this new appointment stems from Centre 105 being recognized as a Community Ministry of the Anglican Diocese of Ottawa in September.
  • Bishop Shane is happy to announce the appointment of The Reverend Steven Zytveld to serve as a deacon (part-time, non-stipendiary) in the parish of St. Barnabas Ottawa, effective November 28, 2021. Deacon Steve also serves as a Chaplain (stipendiary) with the Carlington Community Chaplaincy.
  • Bishop Shane announces the following retirements, giving heartfelt thanks for the many years and many gifts offered by these three priests during their active ministries in our diocese:
    The Venerable Susan Churchill-Lackey, ordained in 1983, will retire on February 20, 2022.
    The Reverend Canon Peter Lackey, ordained in 1983, will retire on February 20, 2022.
    The Reverend Canon Mary Ellen Berry, ordained in 1994, will retire on April 1, 2022.
    The “second retirement” of The Reverend Patricia Blythe, effective May 2, 2022, acknowledging and giving thanks for the extra seven years of active ministry she has offered to our diocese.
  • John Holgate has been recognized as a postulant for ordination in our diocese, effective October 26th, 2021.
  • Right Reverend John Chapman, retired Bishop of Ottawa, has been appointed by Saint Paul University as the Interim Director of Anglican Studies and Associate Professor of Theology. Bishop Chapman brings a wealth of experience from his time as Professor of Pastoral Theology and Dean of Theology at Huron College so we know Saint Paul students will be well-served.
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